Wednesday 23 November 2011

Day 14

When meditation becomes a habit, it can start to be... not boring, exactly, but something like it. Some days I sit on the cushion almost automatically, without any real presence of mind. I make the effort at the beginning, especially just before I sit while doing the very brief prostrations, prayers and offerings I do, to be right there doing them and not anywhere else doing or thinking anything else. But I've noticed at times that as I sit on the cushion I let go of that vigilance, and relax my attention too far. Over the years I have definitely become easier on myself when this happens; it's very hard for me to say whether that's a positive or negative thing. It is not useful to berate oneself for slipping up or to harbour regrets, but there is a point to meditation other than keeping the back straight while sitting on a round cushion, and it takes vigilance to see it through.


  1. Merci pour tes encouragements. Je médite avant d'aller ma coucher cela m'apaise et rend mon sommeil meilleur. lorsque la motivation me fait défaut, je pense à tout ceux qui se sont engagés à méditer pour 108 jours.

  2. De rien, Muriel. Ça me fait plaisir de te voir ici. Tu te fais un beau cadeau, et un à tes proches, en pratiquant régulièrement :)
