Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 101

I'd like to share a quote today from Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoché (Khyentsé Norbu), Bhutanese lama (incarnation of Dzongsar Khyentse), filmmaker (The Cup; Travellers and Magicians; Words of my Perfect Teacher to name a few films), and author (What Makes You Not a Buddhist; and soon, Not for Happiness):
If I look at my hand, I make three mistakes. One, I think it's the same hand I had this morning. But that's not true; it has changed. And two, I think there's something called “hand” when there actually isn't because it's a part of a lot of things—my veins, my skin, my blood, all kinds of things... And then another mistake I make is not realizing that the existence of my hand actually depends on many things. For instance, the fact that the ceiling hasn't fallen on my hand is the reason why it's moving, why it's there. But I don't think in that way. I think my hand is there because my hand is there.
From EnlightenNext Magazine, Real Gurus Couldn't Care Less 
(retrieved from, February 18, 2012)

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