Tuesday 15 November 2011

Day 6

What is meditation? Qu'est-ce que c'est que la méditation?

This is a question to be pondered. I will post a comment with my response, soon, and invite you to do so, also. À réfléchir. J'ajouterai un commentaire avec ma réponse et je vous invite gentiment à faire pareil.


  1. For me, meditation is a process - with lots of happy side effects - of becoming aware of truth. It is a lifelong journey, and not a linear one, either. The word "meditation" in Tibetan ("gom") literally means familiarization, which implies that the process consists in getting used to seeing things the way they are. That deep meaning is exactly what meditation brings to my life. Becoming aware of my body and its quirks, and by extension the bodies of other beings and their likely quirks; noticing the body's capacities for pain and suffering as well as bliss. Becoming familiar with the mind in all these respects, but also in another, by far the most important (though unfortunately not the most frequent): mind in its natural state without elaboration, without the disturbances of wanting this, not wanting that, remembering this, foreseeing that, all the fleeting thoughts and emotions that have no substance. Spontaneous mind without duality. I have a lot of work to do!

  2. La traduction simplifiée:
    Pour moi, la méditation est le processus de prise de conscience de la vérité. La vérité du corps, la vérité des phénomènes, la vérité de l'esprit. Il m'y reste un long chemin.
