Monday 24 October 2011


Encore dix-sept jours avant la ligne de départ des 108 jours de méditation, le 10 novembre. Je me prépare mentalement, en douceur. Vous joignez-vous à moi?

Je souhaite pour nous tous que des bienfaits multivariés résultent de la pratique quotidienne de la méditation. Je voudrais que ce blog soit un lieu de partage, en français et en anglais, où nous pouvons discuter de nos expériences, nos questions, nos réponses, nos doutes, nos peurs et nos espérances. Et ce, jusqu'au bout, fixé au 26 février, mais sans limiter nos chemins.

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Beginning in just three weeks on November 10, one hundred and eight days of daily meditation. Sounds daunting, doesn't it? Maybe you have been meditating for years and simply want to establish a daily practice, or maybe you have never tried meditation and the time has come to give it a go. Either way, making the commitment to three and a half months of sitting every single day can be pretty scary.

I am intimidated by the prospect, too. It is no small vow to agree that every day I will sit on my cushion, when I know that there will be weekends, fifteen or sixteen of them, and Christmas, and illness brought home from school by the little ones, and important things to attend to at all hours of the day, and the need to sleep. But I know from experience that the benefits of this rhythm far outweigh the efforts required to get to the cushion and stay on it for a small minimum of 15 minutes each day.

It is my hope that you will profit in myriad ways from meditating every day. I would like this blog to serve as a forum, where through posts and comments (in both English and French) we can share our experiences, questions, answers, doubts, fears and hopes, right through to the end. Leave a brief comment if you would like to take the journey with us.

The end, incidentally, is February 26, 2012. But let's not let that stop us from going further.